Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hey! That Cloud Looks Like a Group of Words

Word Clouds

There are many different apps in which students can create word clouds. A word cloud is a cluster of words that the students type into the app. They can edit it to choose font, style, shape, color, and size. Some of the word cloud apps are Wordle, Tagxedo, and Tagul. I learned that Tagul works on the iPads and learned how it worked so I could teach my students. Then, I found out from our D90 tech site that the word cloud was the only safe app for our students to use to create word clouds. Since it is very simplistic, another element was needed. 

So, after the students added text about all of the people and things for which they are thankful during our social emotional learning time, I took their pictures in front of a green screen. Next time, I will use their iPads to take the photos. Using Do Ink, the pictures of the students and the word clouds were merged, and then printed. The students cut out the pictures and glued them on the front, and wrote notes of appreciation to their families and pasted them inside in what became a Thanksgiving card. Not only does this give them experience tap typing on their iPads which they need to learn how to do as we take PARCC tests on iPads, it gives them the opportunity to be creative. This is a project that I will definitely do again. If you would like to see more examples, please click here for a link to my website.


  1. I can't understand why a word cloud app would be considered unsafe for D90, but you were clever to figure out how to make the word cloud work in a creative way.

  2. I love the combo of word cloud/green screen! So cute!!! I bet the families had not ever received such a personal Thanksgiving card before.

  3. Jane, I love this project and I will try to find a way for the first grade to use it! Thanks for sharing this idea with us.

  4. I haven't used Do Ink before but I'm starting to think I should! This was a very clever project. I did something similar with creating word clouds of words that describe mom for mother's day. We then printed and lamented them so that a magnet could be applied for the refrigerator!
